New City Church

high school

Our team is dedicated to creating a family culture where high school students can connect with God while forming healthy relationships with their peers is at the heart of all we do. Our volunteers are fully committed to the vision of District Youth, which is, “Christ in. Hell out. Loving the Hell out of Young People.” We implement our vision by creating a welcoming and warm environment, cultivating discipleship relationships, growing together in our small groups, teaching the Word of God, and living passionately for God.

All- Access Week

Partner With District Youth and The Link at New City Church by attending All-Access week. Wednesday Night Pep Rally, Thursday Block party and Friday- Sunday  Summer Con themed "Endurance".  With guest Speakers, Breakout Sessions, Praise and Worship, Competitions, and after parties.  All for the Great price of ZERO DOLLARS! 
So Send your Middle and High School students to District Youth All-Access Week.

Contact us

It is our desire to keep you informed of all upcoming events and opportunities for youth engagements in District Youth and New City Church. You can connect with our team for any and all inquiries by emailing us at:

our core values

Fall 2024